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491 Somerset Street Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5J7


Situated in a bustling downtown area, this restaurant enjoys a prime location near residential neighborhoods and government offices, ensuring a steady flow of potential customers. With high foot traffic and excellent visibility, it's perfectly positioned to attract local residents, office workers, and government employees. The sale includes plenty of appliances, all in excellent working condition, offering a turnkey opportunity to take over the lease and start your own business without major initial investments. Benefit from a very affordable lease rate, making it easier to manage overhead costs and focus on growth. The interior has been completely renovated, creating an inviting atmosphere. The spacious layout provides versatility, accommodating various types of cuisines and dining concepts. This restaurant space is ideal for a new or experienced restaurateur looking to capitalize on a high-demand location. Possibilities are endless! Contact us today to book your showing! (id:43934)


Business Type Restaurant
Business Sub Type Restaurant

Property Details

MLS® Number 1393865
Property Type Business
Neigbourhood Ottawa Centre



Acreage No
Size Depth 65 Ft ,11 In
Size Frontage 31 Ft ,7 In
Size Irregular 31.57 Ft X 65.92 Ft
Size Total Text 31.57 Ft X 65.92 Ft
Zoning Description Tm14 H(20)


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